Man, those four day weekends fly by. And now, as of about 30 minutes ago, all three girls are in school.

L. was wound-up and ready to go this morning, coming into our room before my alarm went off. Which was a good thing. She got waylaid by a stomach bug Sunday night and into Monday, which had us concerned that she might not be able to make her first day of Pre-K. But she rallied just before bedtime last night and seemed fine this morning. Hopefully we’re not infecting the entire school on day one.

It was a fine holiday weekend. As I promised, we made one last trip to the pool on Friday. Although our girls didn’t have school, we couldn’t roll in until shortly after 3:00 because of a party C. attended. When we got to the pool, there were only two older women floating in the water and one lifeguard hanging out with them. But about five minutes after we began swimming, kids who had been in school started pouring in from all directions. By the time we left around 5:00, it looked like any day in the middle of the summer. I’m sure the pool was crowded all weekend, as kids got their last dose of outdoor chlorine for the year.

We headed to the LVS Saturday. Friends from Michigan came down and a couple local families were there as well. Since it was still part of the summer of 2013, big storms rolled through Saturday afternoon1. But not until all three girls could go tubing, including L.’s first-ever effort. She had been soooo excited to try it. When she got on the tube, she laid flat, locked her arms in, and got a look of intense concentration on her face. She kept that look the entire time she was in the water. Same thing when she had a turn on Sunday. I don’t know that she loved it; I think it was a little more intense than she expected, even with our buddy Mr. K not going super fast and avoiding the big waves. But it was another big girl thing that her sisters had done that she finally got a crack at.

It was a fine ending to a fine summer. There were no trips this year – we obviously hit our quota of traveling earlier this year. But we spent a ton of time in water, we got to visit with family and friends, and had lots of fun. And, of course, it all went by way too fast.

Now the girls get a very short week with our trip to Boston coming up Thursday. So there will be no big routine for me until next week. For the next two days I’ll be doing laundry, getting my hair cut, the lawn mowed, the house cleaned up, and running a few errands during the four hours L. is in school. Thursday I have my first library shift of the year at St. P’s and bring M. and C. home when I’m done so we can head to airport for our afternoon flight.

Next week I’ll have a breather and a chance to figure out what to do with this time I now have.

  1. First world problem alert: I think it rained or downright chilly every weekend we were at the LVS in May and June. In July it warmed up, but still rained the first two weekends. And then, when it was finally dry, we had unseasonably cool weather in late July. At least it wasn’t 105 every day like a year ago.