OK, time to start something new. I’ve been having trouble sharing all the interesting things I come across each week. I’ll stash them somewhere, in Instapaper or Evernote mostly, then forget about them. So instead, following the lead of a couple other sites I read, I’m going to offer up a post most Fridays full of the interesting things I’ve gathered.

As always, we’ll see how long this lasts. Onto the links!

The Dissolve shared their top 50 summer blockbusters of all-time recently. Hard to argue with the movies that make up the top 10, although I might move a few around.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The first of two map-related links, Smarty Pins is a Google Maps based trivia game. A fine way for my office-bound friends to waste some time before the weekend!

Smarty Pins

Next, for my less mature friends, Gary Gale has put together a map with locations with naughty sounding names highlighted. Perfect pick-up after a crappy meeting!

Vaguely Rude Place Names Of The World

We’re in the midst of the nostalgia crush that is the 25th anniversary of Seinfeld’s premier. Rolling Stone talks to 10 actors who had bit parts on the show.

And They’re Spectacular! 10 Actors on Their Memorable ‘Seinfeld’ Roles

More pop culture. The eight longest cast tenures in Saturday Night Live history.

The always unstable music industry appears to be on the verge of another major upheaval as streaming music services begin to slice into the margins of the iTunes Music Store and Amazon Music Store. I think it’s practically impossible to predict where the industry is headed – we never know what new technology or service will come along in 18 months to destroy all our current assumptions – but this is an interesting take on where we could be headed.

Spotify Rules

Finally, a far more sobering link. The Atlantic has had a wonderful photo series over the past few months marking the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I. The final entry, photos taken in the modern age of the old battlefields, memorials, and the many items that are still found in the soil of Europe each year, is fascinating. The images of the piles of shells and grenades dug from battle sites are astounding. Be warned, there are some photos that are difficult to view.

World War I in Photos: A Century Later