There is so much information about Covid–19 out there right now it is easy to get overwhelmed. Especially when the news is bad, as was the case earlier this week with the release of a British study that suggested the strategies the national governments of both the UK and US were taking would simply push the flood of sick people out until late this year or early next year.

The situation is fluid, though, as everyone seems to be saying.

I just finished reading the article linked to below. I don’t know whether the science and assumptions behind it are accurate or wildly off-base. I do know while most of it is extremely sobering, it ends on a very hopeful note. Social distancing combined with better testing and stronger efforts to isolate infected citizens can mean this period of lockdown we are currently in can end relatively soon and that it can dramatically reduce both the direct effects of Covid and the collateral damage. Going from tens of millions infected to tens of thousands would be a massive change.

As more states and local governments issue Shelter in Place orders, this piece suggests that the short-term pain, frustration, and isolation caused by these orders will absolutely be worth it. Hopefully soon.

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance