The Dog Days of Summer are supposed to come later, say very late July into the early weeks of August. That gap when the heat really kicks in, the newness of summer activities has faded, and boredom starts to kick in.

But, I realized this week, they really should arrive sooner since kids go back to school a lot earlier than our generation did. Which might explain why things seem kind of dead around our house and I’m lacking in blogging material.

C did knock out her senior pics last night. That was a little dicey. A cold front was supposed to slide through late in the afternoon, bringing cooler weather with it.[1] But, as the front passed, it was also likely to kick off some storms. Right around picture time. Uh oh…

She lucked out, though. There were some storms in the area, but they avoided the locations she had picked. The temperature did bump up to 90 late in the afternoon, and a breeze kicked in behind the front. But neither was troublesome for pics. It sounds like all went very well, and she and S came home in good spirits. You can never be sure with that kid in high-stress moments, so that was a huge relief. And it was the first big item checked off her senior year list.

L and I are off to Louisville Saturday-through-Monday for her last tournament, so no Weekend Notes post until Tuesday. M is off to St. Louis this weekend for a national leadership conference for her sorority. Wish us all safe travels.

  1. It was 60 this morning when I woke up and might drop into the 50s tonight.  ↩