Welcome to my personal website (i.e. blog). I hope you enjoy your stay.
In the days of yore, when people still mailed letters to each other, I was a manic letter writer. Ask anyone who knew me in college and received my thick envelopes every few weeks. What you will find here is all the stuff I would be cramming into letters to friends if that was still our custom.
You’ll read about the antics of my children, the games I’ve watched, the music I’ve listened to, the books I’ve read, current events, and so on. In other words, this is not a daddy blog or sports blog or music blog. It is most definitely a personal blog, ebbing and flowing wherever my interests take me.
I am a 50-ish husband, father, and web enthusiast currently residing in the Indianapolis area. I have been blogging since 2003 and this the eighth iteration of the blog. I’ve worked through the Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, Tumblr, Squarespace, and Statamic platforms. I am again using WordPress, hosted by Hostinger. I write exclusively in Markdown.