This weekend seemed pretty chill to me. There were enough things going on to justify a blog post, though. Let’s see how many words I can stretch this alleged slow weekend into.

Friday Night Lights

High school football started in Indiana last week. In a shocking upset, it was a perfectly pleasant night. That will change this week, though.

That wasn’t the only upset of the night. Number 10 Cathedral pounded #1 and defending 6A state champs Ben Davis 24–6.

I did not have high hopes for CHS coming into the season. They remain in class 6A, two up from their natural class. While they have some really good skill players – mostly the starting running back and a couple receivers – along with a much improved offensive line and solid defense, they have one glaring hole: quarterback. For the first time in seven years they do not have a kid who is one of the best QBs in the city behind center. This year’s starter is a junior from St. P’s who was listed as 5’7”, 150 on last year’s roster. I think both of those measurements might have been stretches, too. When he got in for mop-up duty as a sophomore, he mostly handed off.

Throw that kid against a schedule that features the pre-season #1, #2, #3, and #4 teams in 6A, along with #2 and #10 in 4A, plus a top 15 team overall in Ohio, and you understand why I had some reservations.

Naturally the Irish were up 24–0 before the Giants ran a tipped pass back 100 yards for their only score of the game.

I was only able to listen to the second half, when CHS was already up 17–0, but they sounded pretty solid, controlling the game on both sides of the ball.

Both of our girls went. They both left early.

The Irish’s reward for breaking a 15-game losing streak to Ben Davis?[1] A game against Brownsburg, the likely new #1 team after both Ben Davis and Center Grove lost in week one. BHS beat CHS convincingly the past two regular seasons on very hot nights, so we’ll see.

Greek Fest

Why wasn’t I either at the game or listening during the first half? S and I went to Indy Greek Fest for the first time in 15 years or so. It was an annual outing the first few years we lived here, but once we had more than two kids, we decided it was too much of a hassle.

Good food and people watching. One of S’s partners is Greek and was working the dessert hall, so we got to harass him a bit.

Other highlights were watching some dude in front of us get fed up with the slow traffic to get to the parking lot and literally drive through someone’s yard to turn around. I’m not talking about a couple wheels up on the curb that kind of slipped into the grass. I’m talking about driving his entire car through the middle of this yard to get to their driveway and spin around. Ass.

Also, when we were leaving we noticed the car next to us had a club on their steering wheel. You remember The Club, right?

To be clear, Greek Fest was at a huge, fancy, relatively new church in one of the highest income zip codes of the entire area. After we left we drove through one of the neighborhoods where many of the homes go for high seven and even eight figures. But this person was worried someone was going to steal their car. And it wasn’t like a nice car, it was some ‘90s Oldsmo-buick.

I probably just answered the mystery: this was clearly some super old Greek lady who has been locking her car up for 40 years and doesn’t see any reason to stop because her friend Nikki’s car got stolen once at a church event and you never know…

Girls Nights Out

C and L had big weekends, at least on the social tip. They each had sleepovers both nights, C hosting one and going out for the other, while L slept away from home both nights.

Astute readers might recall that L had a long period where the only two things that caused anxiety in her were thunderstorms and sleepovers. So she didn’t successfully sleepover anywhere, not even with family, for like seven years or something. She made a conscious effort to host a couple in 8th grade, and finally worked up the courage to try a few at other friends’ homes. And now she did two in two nights! Of course she was totally wrecked when she got home Sunday, so I don’t know if she actually sleeps or not. She doesn’t call home at 2:00 AM asking to get picked up, which is the key to S and me.


As for daughter #1, last week was rush at UC. M was very busy all week long, as this was a huge class of prospective new members, or whatever they call them these days. She told us mid-week there were two girls she was “obsessed with,” which made us both laugh and roll our eyes. She is such a sorority girl sometimes…

Anyway, we talked Saturday and she said both of those girls made the house’s final cut, and she was hoping they would both end up being her Littles.

She ended up going one-for-two. One girl picked another sorority, but the other committed/signed/pledged to M’s house. Her new little is from California, at UC to study interior design, which seems pretty interesting.

The best part of all of this was reading captions on M’s various posts and watching S’s reactions. If you know S, you know that despite being in a sorority when she was in college, she is kind of the opposite of a sorority girl. I think it horrifies her a little how into it M is. There’s been talk of screenshotting some of these posts to mock M with later.

All in good fun, of course. We are thrilled that M has found a community that she loves being a part of so much, and that fits her personality so well.

Classes at UC start today.


I mocked people last week who were already talking about fall. It was indeed truly gorgeous here. We had the air turned off and the windows open all week. A few nights it was so chilly we had to close the windows. The pool never got below 87, so on a few of my swims the water was 20 degrees warmer than the air temp.

As I knew would happen, summer is roaring back. It got above 90 both days this weekend. We already have heat warnings in place for Tuesday, with the heat index expected to approach 110°. Yowsa.

Better Tuesday than Monday. Fingers crossed, candles lit, rabbit feet rubbed, doing everything I can to avoid jinxing it, I will hopefully be spending tonight doing something very cool that I can share tomorrow.

  1. Tied for longest consecutive loss streak to a team in school history. The last CHS win against BD was in 1987.  ↩