I can finally share the news I’ve been alluding to for over a month.

I mentioned last week that something was changing in our house. And when we went to Florida for spring break I said we had a series of circumstances that made it seem like it was the perfect year to go. Well, here’s why.

S. starts a new job today.1

After ten years as a pediatric hospitalist at St. V’s, she is moving to another local healtcare network and going to the out-patient world. She’ll be in a suburban office doing regular pediatrician stuff. Hours will be regular, with no more nights, holidays, and only weekend call once-per-month. And she will be working with a very good friend, who was a partner at St. V’s when S. started there.

It’s going to be totally different, and hopefully totally great.

It was a long, and sometimes difficult process to get here. She very much enjoyed her old job and the challenges that came with it. But those night shifts weren’t as easy to recover from as they were ten years ago. The annoyance of always having to adjust the extended family’s schedule around hers at the holidays was something we could live with, but it sure makes it easier to not have to worry about it. As the girls become more active outside of school, it is easier for all of us to know what days, and generally hours, S. will be working when we’re trying to figure out how to get to this practice and that rehearsal, etc. And at some point I will begin working more regular hours, and her set schedule will make that easier on me, as well.

So it’s an exciting time here in La Casa de B. It’s also a little nerve wracking. Change, even when it is good, always comes with some tension and surprises. But I’m sure S. will settle in quickly and be everyone’s favorite pediatrician in no time. Speaking of, if your kid needs a doc, I can direct you to the perfect one!

  1. How does that relate to spring break? She had vacation time she had to burn before she left the old job. Problem solved!