I took a trip down to Bloomington today to get my bearings in advance of the spring semester. Two of my sisters-in-law who attended IU went down with me to help me find the places I needed to find. Parking is truly a hassle at IU, and I may just skip the whole parking pass thing and attempt to find spots in residential neighborhoods near campus. That could be a pain, but the nearest parking lot to the building my classes are in is almost two miles away. Ree-dick-you-lus. I guess I’ll be leaving a little earlier than I planned each Monday and Wednesday.
I went to the bookstore: of course my books weren’t in yet. I went to the J-school building and wandered around, finding my two classrooms and the graduate program office. I peeked into the computer labs and saw row and row of icy-new iMacs. Found a copy of the last student newspaper of the fall semester to bring home and review.
We had some fine Greek food for lunch, wandered about a few shops near campus, and then headed home. I’m looking at about an hour and 15 minute commute each way, so looks like I’ll be keeping up with my podcasts and NPR shows this spring.
Coming Thursday: my review of the year’s finest music.