Pulling out the blogging shotgun and trying to hit multiple targets in one post.

KU Football Coaching Search

I’ve remained quiet on this largely because it’s been mostly quiet from Lew Perkins’ office, which seems to be the way he likes it. But it seems like a decision is going to be made shortly, and Jim Harbaugh is the key. If he works out a deal to stay at Stanford, Lew starts working his list. If Stanford can’t match what KU can offer, the job in Lawrence appears to be his for the taking.

He would be huge. Arguably THE young, hot coach in the game. A national name already. An enthusiasm that is contagious. And while Gary Pinkel isn’t quite the foil that Pete Carroll is, I image Harbugh would find a way to piss off MU fans sooner rather than later, which is always a bonus.

But, I’ve worried all along that he’s more of a Houston Nutt-type candidate, using KU as leverage to improve his current situation.

I’ve been a big fan of Kevin Sumlin, but it sounds like he’s comfortable at Houston.

I’m big on Southern Miss’ Larry Fedora, as well. As a bonus it sounds like he’d bring back one of the best recruiters KU has had this decade.

While Turner Gill was the hot coach a year ago, people seemed to have cooled on him this year. After reading a lot about him this week, though, I think he’d be a fantastic hire.

And then there’s today’s KC Star story about former Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville, who seems interested. When his name first came up a couple weeks ago, I wasn’t sold. While his Auburn teams were always competitive in the SEC, they also always seemed boring. While people are claiming that the Spread is fading from favor, I’m not convinced going to an old-school running attack is the way to win at KU, even with a name like Tuberville doing the recruiting. Plus he’s on the downside of his career. Will he have the energy and patience it’s going to take to turn KU into a consistent winner? But after reading the article, I’m intrigued.

So my list, as of today, of favorite potential hires would be like this:

1 – Harbaugh
2 – Fedora
3 – Gill
4 – Tuberville
5 – Skip Holtz. He’s a fine coach, but I’m not sure he has the experience recruiting in the Big 12’s fertile grounds the next coach needs.


Surprised? Hell no. I hate to throw all wealthy, male athletes into the same group, but it’s not like that’s a demographic group known for its commitment to monogamy and fidelity. And the idea that golfers are different is laughable. I worked at a municipal golf course in high school. Even the lower level pros that were on staff there were knee-deep in attractive women.

So the fact he’s a cheater does not shock me. But the degree? Yeah, that’s a bit incredible. Has anyone crashed and burned as fast as Tiger? Think about the people and money that were out to get Bill Clinton in the 90s. And they could only come up with two women – Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky. I think we all figure there were more, but still. Nine years in the spotlight and only two women are identified. In two weeks Tiger’s already in double figures. An amazingly quick and deep fall from grace.

But the reaction from most commentators is way over-the-top. Tiger’s just another rich athlete who thinks he can get away with whatever he wants.

College Sports

The BCS is dumb.

The Heisman is a worthless award.

The idea of expanding the men’s basketball tournament is one of the dumbest, and most hypocritical, ideas the NCAA has ever come up with.

I’m ready for KU to get to the part of their schedule where they play good teams and get focused. Loving the potential of Xavier Henry, the development of the Morrises, and the steadiness of Collins and Aldrich. Tyshawn Taylor might want to switch to decaf. Baring injuries, they should roll through the regular season with no more than three losses. So I’m already watching other teams, getting an upset stomach thinking about what teams we won’t match up well with and hoping they’re in different brackets come March. Right now the teams I’d least like to play are Syracuse and West Virginia.

The Pacers

Hey, the Pacers suck again! After teasing us early in the season, they’ve fallen apart. Danny Granger is hurt, Brandon Rush is back to his passive ways and has been buried on the bench, and no one else on the team compels me to watch. Will they be playing in Kansas City in 2-3 years?