Back in mid-May 1990, when our circle of high school friends was retuning home after our first year away at college, a good friend was insistent that it was going to be “the greatest summer ever.” It’s tough to measure these things accurately, but I do recall that being a pretty solid summer.1

Obviously that became a running joke each summer after that, and it’s always fun to think of it as we transition into our summer schedules. Which happens to be what we’re doing right now.

M. ended school last Thursday. The girls began two weeks of swimming lessons yesterday. We have a trip to Denver planned for July which they are very excited about. It will be L.’s first ever plane ride and M. and C.’s first since 2008. We also get to meet their newest cousin on that trip. I’ll be taking in a Rockies game and hopefully seeing a couple KC friends who have relocated to Denver.

I’ll be taking my annual Kansas City baseball trip in early August.

We have birthdays of family members and friends. Some playdates, no doubt. Trips to pools, the Children’s Museum, zoo, farmer’s market, etc. Bike rides around the neighborhood. We’ll also be spending some time at a nearby lake, which should be fun.

Hopes are always high when summer begins. We’re hopeful that the weather will cooperate, the girls will behave, and in early September we’re looking back and saying, “That was a kick ass summer!”

  1. At least until my grades showed up in mid-June. Then there were a few uncomfortable days, at least in my house.