I figured three posts on Friday would be one too many, thus I’m finally posting these during halftime of the Broncos’ beat-down of the Colts. You know, the last time I turned off a Colts game at halftime it worked out ok…
First off, these pictures showing the effects the drought is in California are incredible.
Dramatic Photos of California’s Historic Drought
I miss the glory days of The Office and Jim’s best pranks on Dwight. So here’s one person’s list of the top ten pranks.
Here Are The Ten Best Pranks Jim Halpert Pulled On Dwight Schrute, Ranked
Now I’m not one of those people who hears about vegetarian or vegan recipes and immediately turns my nose up. I like a good noodle dish. I can even eat tofu if it’s thrown in with some pad thai and peanut sauce. But tofu burnt ends? That is just dumb. Either eat barbecue or don’t. But don’t disrespect the art with garbage like this.
Smoked tofu burnt ends a healthy, vegan alternative to traditional KC barbecue
Today, Yankee Stadium is a shiny, soulless, corporate cash machine that is often far from full. Once upon a time, though, Yankee Stadium was a dark, dangerous building where you feared for your safety if you were a visiting fan. This article goes back to the 1988 season and one writer’s summer with the regulars in the bleachers.
When Yankee Stadium’s Bleacher Creatures Were Wild
Finally, I rarely read comments on stories. Mostly because they’re stupid. But in this case, they’re awesome. Following a fairly positive review of his new ebook, an author goes off the deep end responding to the reviewer. And anyone else who questions him. You don’t even have to read the article. Just scroll down and watch the fun begin.