We had a very solid, if slightly less hectic than usual, Memorial Day weekend.
L and I kicked it off Friday with her class field trip to [Conner Prairie]. This is the one field trip I’ve done with all three girls. As always, it was a lot of fun. The forecast has us worried we would get wet, but the storms never popped up and while it was warm, it never got super hot like it did for M and I four years ago.

Normally Memorial Day weekend is a lake weekend for us. This year S was on-call all weekend, which meant we couldn’t cut out of town. Well, we could have, but she would have had to drive back every morning to round on babies. Figured it was easier to stay home.
We did get some water time, though. Some friends have a new boat on the big, suburban lake that is about 15 minutes from us. We spent Sunday with them. We got on the water early, getting wet for the first time around 10:00.
M and C both tubed with their friends. M tried to water ski! I’ve only tried to water ski once in my life, and that was sometime in the early 80s. So I had no tips for her. And our hosts forgot to tell her that if you don’t get up, let go of the rope. So she got drug face-first for a bit until she realized she needed to drop the rope. It was good for her. We were just thrilled that she made the attempt. She’s come a long way with being daring enough to try new things over the past few summers.

Sunday also featured a very weird 30 minutes or so. During that span, I received two text messages. One brought exceptionally good news for a relative who has been waiting for good news for a long time. The other brought terrible, unexpected news for a very good friend. I got them both on the boat, so was feeling elation and excitement after the first message, and was stunned and saddened by the second.
Yesterday we began trying to get things together for our trip to Boston, which begins Thursday. It was in the 90s in Boston last week, but will only be in the 60s–70s during our visit. So it’s been a bit of a challenge to figure out what clothes to pack.
The girls are very excited. They will get to spend time with their one-year-old cousin and see their aunt and uncle’s new house. If the weather cooperates we plan on doing a lot of the traditional walking-tour stuff that Boston offers. We have duck boat tickets. I’m going to a Red Sox game. And we’re spending two days on Cape Cod. This will be my third trip to Boston, but first chance to spend time in the city. I’m pretty excited, too.
But first we have to get through the last two days of school. Today is field day and tomorrow is early dismissal at 1:00. Pretty much a total waste, but I guess we have to get to 180 days so the state is happy. C has her final softball game tonight and the girls will go to their first swim team practice tomorrow night and have their intra-squad meet the day after we get back from Boston. Straight into summer activities!