Month: January 2017 (Page 2 of 2)

Friday Playlist

My collection of new music dwindled over the past six weeks, as I both devoted most of my time to either holiday tunes or reviewing my favorite songs of 2016, and as the music industry dialed the spigot back a bit on new releases. I’m looking forward to the flow increasing again soon.

For our first playlist of the new year, a mix of old and new.

“Drive That Fast” – Kitchens of Distinction. I didn’t discover this song until 14 years after its release. In the first few months of my discovery, I did my best to make up for lost time. It rarely pops up anymore, crowded out by hundreds/thousands of other songs in my collection. But it still makes my head spin a little when I hear it, just like the first time I heard it back in the spring of 2005.
“Storms” – Louise Burns. Add Burns’ Young Mopes, which comes out Feb 3, to the list of albums I’m looking forward to.
“Stars” – Hum. I kind of miss the out-of-nowhere bands like this that were a lot more prevalent in the grunge era.
“Baby Are You In?” – Kristin Kontrol. Welp, it looks like Kristin Welchez was serious about the Dum Dum Girls being done. At least for now. Fortunately, this new single by her new incarnation is a step above the first Kristin Kontrol album. Which was fine enough, just not as good as any of the Dum Dum Girls’ albums.
“Fuck, I Hate The Cold” – Cowboy Junkies. It’s not going to be above 20 for the next three days. This is how I feel.

Big 12 Hoops

“Lord, honey, it’s gonna be excitin’!”

Our family is pretty addicted to the various Food Network baking and cooking competition shows. We are especially fond of the Holiday Baking Championship. The quote above came from this year’s winner, Jason Smith, a folksy, down-home baker from Kentucky who was full of oddball yet hilarious comments. That one was used, over-and-over, in promos for the show’s six-week run. It’s become a common saying in our house.

I think it’s also a perfect summation of this year’s Big 12 basketball season. We’re only two games into the schedule and it looks to be the wackiest, most wide-open, most interesting race in recent memory.

Which is a huge surprise. At the end of last season, everyone looked at the rosters of the league’s ten teams, saw who each team was losing, who they had back, threw in the recent history of the league, and figured Kansas would have an absolute cake walk to their 13th straight league championship.

KU might still win, but it’s far from a sure thing.

Baylor and West Virginia are both better than most people expected. Or at least we think they are.

Baylor had, arguably, the most impressive non-conference run of anyone in the county, beating Oregon, Louisville, Xavier, and Michigan State. But last night the Bears were, frankly, fortunate to beat Iowa State at home. Is Baylor going to Baylor again now that the conference schedule has kicked off? If they can hold court at home against Oklahoma State Saturday, they will likely be #1 in at least one poll going into their Monday trip to Morgantown.[1]

Bob Huggins has again found the perfect mix of players for his system. They didn’t have the stoutest of non-conference slates, but they did beat Virginia convincingly in their one marquee matchup. But then they lost to Texas Tech in overtime Tuesday. Playing in Morgantown is always a bitch, and their road success is closely tied to how the officials call the game. Regardless, it doesn’t look like a down year for the Mountaineers.

And then there’s the rest of the league. When conference play began on Friday, the top eight teams all had two losses or fewer. Oklahoma was supposed to be in a rebuilding year, so seeing them in 9th place isn’t a huge surprise. But saying Texas is, likely, the worst team in the conference is a massive surprise. The Longhorns had a few really bad losses mixed into a forgettable preseason slate.

Of the five remaining teams, I don’t think there’s a pushover in the bunch. Jamie Dixon may not turn TCU around completely this year, but they were 11–1 coming into the Big 12 season. The Frogs hung with KU for 40 minutes Friday but just couldn’t make the stops or hit the shots that gave them a chance to win. They’re going to beat some people in Ft. Worth this year.

I doubted K-State going into Tuesday’s game in Lawrence, but they were unflappable in the face of a 12-point, second-half deficit in Allen Fieldhouse. A lousy call cost them a chance at overtime. A couple missed, wide-open looks and a rather curious coaching choice likely cost them a win.[2] You figure they’re going to be very tough in Manhattan all year and sneak a couple road wins here and there.

Iowa State has slipped a bit. They still have Monte Morris, a pretty solid top 3–4 overall, and Hilton Magic. But, they could have easily lost to Tech at home on Friday. Then they almost won at Baylor. I think they’re going to be hard to figure all year.

Oklahoma State has lost their first two Big 12 games, but Juwon Evans will keep them in just about every game they play at home.

I think Texas Tech is the most dangerous team of this group. They could easily be 2–0 right now. Or 0–2, too. Still, this isn’t the pushover squad they were for so many years. West Virginia won’t be the only title contender to lose to the Red Raiders. I don’t think they’re good enough to be a true contender, but they could make a difference in who does win.

Speaking of the champs, KU obviously has some issues. They suddenly can’t guard on the perimeter. The loss of Udoka Azubuike makes an already thin inside rotation kind of scary. I’m currently building a shrine to the Hoops Gods to keep Landen Lucas healthy for the next three months. They’re going to lose at least one game because of terrible free throw shooting.

But, they’re still the most talented team in the league. Have the biggest home court advantage in the game. One of the best coaches in the game who has made in-season adjustments to hide weaknesses in the past. I don’t think we should be writing the season off just yet.

When I look at the Big 12, I don’t see a shitty team anywhere. I think Texas will get things figured out and be decent. Lon Kruger will keep Oklahoma in games despite their youth. Maybe TCU or OSU or someone else loses a couple in a row and kind of fall apart. Today, though, there isn’t a team where you can look at them and be convinced you’re going to beat twice.

There have been years where KU was miles ahead of the pack. Other years where a group of 3–4 teams separated themselves. And a few others maybe the top 5–6 were really good, and then there was a steep drop off.

This year, I don’t expect to see a huge difference between the eventual champion and the teams that finish in slots 6–8. I think in the final week of the regular season, we’re going to have a number of scenarios any one of 2–4 teams could win the title, and a few more could finish anywhere from second to eighth, depending on how the last round of games work out.

As Jason said, “Lord, honey, it’s gonna be excitin’!”

  1. Bad schedule timing. If they were playing KU, who will likely be #1/#2 in both polls, it would be exactly 53 weeks since last year’s KU-OU, #1/2 vs #2/1 game.  ↩
  2. DJ Johnson kills KU. I have no idea why the Wildcats stopped throwing him the ball in the last 10 minutes of the game. I believe his only points over that stretch came on a follow-dunk. If he touches the ball 6–8 times in the low post over that stretch, I really think K-State wins.  ↩

The End and Beginning

The holiday portion of our Christmas vacation is over and the new year is off to a decent start.

Things ramped up another notch last week. Our family from Denver flew in late Wednesday night for a brief visit. We picked them up at the airport after 11:00 pm. By the time the luggage was collected, we got home, and gave all the kids a snack, it was 1:00 am. And the kids all whined about having to go to bed. The power of hanging with your cousins, I guess.

Thursday night was our game night. Well, in theory it was. Rather than go to a bowling alley like we’ve done the last 2–3 years, we decided to move it back to our home and play board/card/table games. Everyone came over, we had pizza and conversation, but never really got to the games.

Saturday we took the kids to a local “indoor activity center” to burn off some energy. There were bounce houses, a rock climbing wall, and Euro-bungee – where the kids are connected by bungees to two arms that raise up and allow them to jump off a trampoline about 20 feet up. M and C had a great time doing that. L wasn’t so sure at first. In fact, she disappeared from the line twice while waiting for her turn. I asked her what the problem was and she said, “I’m not sure I want to do it.” When her turn came, she looked awfully nervous at first. She kept her knees locked and refused to push off the tramp, all while having an odd look on her face. A part of me thought she was going to throw up. She finally loosened up and had a lot of fun. When she got off, she said, “Dad, I thought I was going to puke at first!” Glad she didn’t.

We had a final, impromptu, family gathering for New Year’s Eve. Mexican food for dinner, football on the TV, kids trying to throw popcorn into their mouths. You know, the usual. We did New Year’s at 10:00 for the younger kids and then put them all to bed. Our girls got to hide in our room and play games on their own. They made it to midnight, although separate from the adults who were busy polishing off bottles of wine, getting into some bourbon, and playing Cards Against Humanity downstairs.

Sunday folks started heading home. Or at least they were supposed to. Our Denver family left as planned. Our Boston family was, unfortunately, delayed a day because of a sick kid. But they made it home safely yesterday. An especially big departure was my in-laws, who left for their new place in Florida on Saturday. They had spent some time down there in the fall, but this is the transition point to where Florida becomes home. We’re pretty excited to visit their new place later this month.

With the weird holiday schedule, we put off a lot of normal New Year’s Day activities until yesterday. I took down all the outside decorations on Sunday since it was warm and dry. But the tree and all the other inside decorations stayed up an extra day finally coming down yesterday. And, since our girls have another week of vacation, we got together with some friends last evening for a fairly late night of eating, drinking, and watching football. There is still one more gathering on our scheduled before we jump back into the academic calendar.

This week we have volleyball or basketball practice every day, which is kind of nice. It will force us to be motivated and get out of the house at least once per day. We restarted our Netflix account this week – after dropping it for some time so S could watch a show that is only on Starz – and the girls have been spending a lot of time watching shows and movies available there.

It’s been a very good holiday season for us. A lot of fine times with family and friends. More than enough good food and drink. Our girls are generally well-behaved by now, although they still drive us crazy often enough.

I must admit I was dreading New Year’s Day. The past two January 1’s, I’ve had to deal with health emergencies my stepdad was going through. Both years, as we took the tree down and got the house back to normal, I’ve had to take extremely upsetting phone calls and contemplate terrible outcomes. I know it’s dumb to think this way, but there was a part of my that kept thinking, “OK, we don’t need anyone going to the hospital this New Year’s Day.” As if my stepdad’s health issues were in any way connected to anyone else in my extended family. Still, it was a relief to get through the first day of the year, and the taking down of the tree, and not have any family health crises.

Anyway, I hope all of you had fine and safe holidays. Happy New Year!


Time for my monthly/annual recounting of what I’ve been listening to. The December numbers are always an aberration, as I go all-in with the holiday music.

I think the 2016 totals are rather interesting, though. I don’t believe I’ve ever had my #1 artist so far out in front of my #2 artist. Remember, these only reflect what I’ve listened to on Spotify. Throw in the months that one Frightened Rabbit disk or another was in my vehicle’s CD player, and I think they’re pushing a thousand virtual and physical spins.

Another interesting tidbit – probably just to me – about this year is Frightened Rabbit passed Pearl Jam as my all-time most listened to artist on The Scots now lead the Jammers 2783 to 2561. I’m pretty sure PJ had been #1 ever since I first joined in February, 2005.

December 2016

  • Bing Crosby – 65
  • Frank Sinatra – 59
  • Frightened Rabbit – 35
  • Ella Fitzgerald – 25
  • George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker – 23


  • Frightened Rabbit – 777
  • Ryan Adams – 237
  • Caveman – 157
  • Lydia Loveless – 149
  • Wye Oak – 132
  • Butch Walker – 131
  • Haley Bonar – 130
  • Angel Olsen – 127
  • Shearwater – 117
  • Nadia Reid – 110

Complete stats available at my page

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