“(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave” – Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
We have been very lucky and this has been one of the best spring/summers I can recall, other than the Canadian smoke. Until this week. The heat that has been plaguing the rest of the country finally hit us, although its worst has held off until today and will clear out Saturday night when some storms pass through. Still, several days with the heat index above 100 really make me appreciate how nice the past four months have been.

“Chum” – Moreish Idols
This is some good shit, right here.

“All We’ve Ever Wanted” – Palace
This sounds like the midway point between early Coldplay and early Doves. I was fine with early Coldplay. I loved early Doves, or all Doves for that matter.

“One Time Villain” – Coco
Coco are an anonymous collective that refuse to give any details about their makeup, so that the music does the talking. Or something along those lines. Bands love to say this, “We’re going to let the music do the talking.” I guess when you remain anonymous you actually mean it.

“All That Money Wants” – The Psychedelic Furs
Last week’s entry in the Alternative Number Ones. I don’t think I had ever heard this track before. It’s pretty good.

“Mountain Song” – Jane’s Addiction
The greatest Jane’s Addiction song. I will accept no arguments otherwise. It’s crazy that this came out in 1988. Want to know something crazier? They wrote it in 1985! Mind blown. Nothing about this sounds of the Eighties.

“Summer” – Steady Holiday, Jim James
A mellow, summertime jam for the hottest day of the year.

“Highlands” – Middle Kids
Now we’re talking! There’s that Middle Kids magic we all know and love! Something about this song made me think of Frightened Rabbit. Then I read that Hannah Joy said the song is very much influenced by her Scottish heritage, something her grandmother insisted she learn about as a kid. There have been a couple other minor Frightened Rabbit references in her songs, so I don’t think those Painting of a Panic Attack-like elements are an accident. Or maybe they’re all just in my imagination, a mental passing of the torch from one of my favorite bands to another.