A pretty slow month for some reason. I guess tennis took up time at the beginning of the month, then I never really got into a groove? I was also listening to football on Fridays and watching a lot on Saturdays and Sundays, with the occasional Thursday and Monday game thrown in. Still kind of weird I watched zero movies.

Movies, Shows, etc

US Open
Watched more of the women than the men, but still tuned in most nights over the tournament’s run.


Kind of like 24 but on a seven-hour plane ride. Lots of action and tension, there were plot holes big enough to fly an A350 through, but it mostly hits the right notes. Having Idris Elba spend a decent part of the show in an airline seat straining to look down the aisle was a perfect setting for his “Idris Elba Lean” look.


Reservation Dogs, season two
I’m so happy a show like this exists. Some general wackiness, some truly heartbreaking moments, and a glimpse at a part of our country that most of us don’t know enough about, even if this is a fictionalized version.


Seinfeld, Parks & Recreation
I watched a lot of these reruns during late afternoons and weekends. I wish P&R was in higher rotation on Comedy Central and not left to Saturdays and Sundays. I would love to rewatch more of it. Plus S likes it more than The Office.

A, A

Shorts, YouTubes, etc

Turning The Titan Missile Key
“Turn your key, Sir.”

“ll Capo” (The Chief): a striking look at marble quarrying in the Italian Alps
As Fab Five Freddy would say, this is kinda incredible.

World’s fastest talking man sings Michael Jackson’s BAD in 20 seconds
I remember this guy. This bit seems like a uniquely 80s thing, doesn’t it? I love that there was a controversy around who really was the fastest talker in the world.

Trying Out for the US Open Ball Crew | Ball People
Kramer did it better.

Huge Lego Salmon fish Cutting
I think we still have some Lego boxes stashed away. There’s no reason I couldn’t do something like this and launch a lucrative YouTube career, right?

Rafting the most polluted river in Australia
Beau Miles’ videos have been getting more serious lately. I need to stop calling them bullshit, even jokingly, as they are quite the opposite of BS.

I picked up 10,000 bottles and cans because of Seinfeld
“We were indeed idiots.” OK, sometimes they still lean to the bullshit.

72 Hours Road Tripping through Oregon
It’s been too long since I’ve been to Oregon.

My family teaches you how to speak Baltimorese
Fun with regional accents!

NLU Film Room: Machrihanish
If someone paid my way to Scotland or Ireland, I would find a way to fight through my arthritic hands and play a few holes.


Bill Simmons Podcast
After years of not listening, I’ve gotten back into Simmons’ pods. I feel bad that I missed so many Parent Corners, as I feel like I could have related to a lot of what he and Cousin Sal talk about since they have kids about the same ages as mine. A good way to get an audio overview of the NFL, too. Since he leans hard to the NBA and I’ve been leaning more that way over the past year, I’m looking forward to continuing to listen to him as the NBA season begins.