Man, the weeks are really adding up. One more playlist before we slip into the final two months of the calendar year. It always seems like it will take forever to get here in January and February, then it is suddenly late October and both holiday music and my Favorite Songs of the Year playlist are right around the corner.

“Come on Heartache” – The Menzingers
Not quite “Country or Not”, but an interesting twangy twist added to the standard Menzingers sound on this track.

“The Memento” – Pure Bathing Culture
I’m not sure they will ever match 2015’s “Pray for Rain,” but this isn’t a bad song at all.

“In-Between” – TV Star
This week’s modern shoegaze track. It has a healthy dose of jangle pop and even a little Chili Peppers to it.

“You Played Me” – DJ Shadow
DJ Shadow’s songs, or at least the ones I like, have been all over the map on the style tip. This takes his music in a bold, new-yet-retro direction. The backing music is based on some tapes he bought on eBay that featured recordings made off a Baltimore radio station that played a mix of dance, R&B, and hip-hop in the late Eighties. I most definitely dig.

“Animal” – Pearl Jam
This week’s music anniversary is the 30th birthday for the best PJ album, Vs., the only album I ever stood in line to buy at midnight. I listened to it yesterday. It remains amazing. And this might be the most badass song in the entire Pearl Jam catalog. Bonus points for being used in The Bear, of course.

“The Cincinnati Tilt” – Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol
Discovery Weekly kind of stunk this week. I found it very interesting, though, that it threw this four-year-old song at me when I was in the Queen City a week ago and am going back this weekend. Apparently Spotify is always listening, too. Oh, and M doesn’t need to know anything about the “Cincinnati Tilt” any time soon.

“Halloweenhead” – Ryan Adams
It’s getting to be that time of year, my little ghosts and goblins.

“Dramamine” – Middle Kids
I have my first entry on my New Music list for 2024. MK’s new album is slated for a February 16 release. Three-for-three on good singles so far. I always enjoy it when Hannah Joy dances.