In preparation for next week’s unveiling of my Favorite Songs of 2023, a review of my past favorites. This playlist begins with 2004 and includes co-favorite Songs of the Year for 2017 and 2022.

Also below are links to my annual Favorite Songs posts. 2009’s list has been, somehow, lost to time. 2011 was the year I was stupidly using Squarespace and lost six months of posts when I left that platform. And in 2012, 2013, and 2014 I revealed the songs individually, which was dumb. Someone should have told me.

The Year In Music (2004)
Top Ten Songs Of 2005
Top 20 Songs of 2006, 11-20
Top Songs Of 2006, 10-6
Top Songs of 2006, 5-1
Favorite Songs Of 2007
Favorite Songs Of 2008
Best Music Of 2010, Part 1
Best Music Of 2010, Part 2
Best Music Of 2010, Part 3
December 2012
Favorite Songs of 2013, 20-11 Remainder of 2013 were individual posts. Seriously, what was I thinking?
December 2014
Favorite Songs of 2015
33 Favorite Songs of 2016
26 Favorite Songs of 2017
Favorite Songs of 2018
Favorite Songs of 2019
Favorite Songs of 2020
Favorite Songs of 2021
Favorite Songs of 2022