Month: January 2024 (Page 3 of 3)

High School Hoops Chronicles, S1V7: Rivalry Week

After playing six games in the first 19 days of December, L and her Irish teammates are in the midst of a much more leisurely three-games-in–18-days stretch. Throw in three days off for Christmas and two for New Year’s and it has been a nice breather after that tough run.

Their only games over the holidays were big ones: split doubleheaders against big rival Bishop Chatard. Last Friday the JV boys and girls played back-to-back at Cathedral, then Saturday the varsity teams matched up at BCHS. CHS went 4–0 in the series, but it wasn’t without some drama. At least on the girls side.

(Quick aside for my non-Indy readers comparing the schools. CHS is over 100 years old while BCHS is the “new” school, opening in 1961. CHS is around 1200 students (although trending dramatically up in the last two years), BCHS just under 700. CHS is much more diverse, drawing from Catholic and public schools all over the metro area while BCHS pulls primarily from Catholic parishes in the northern half of Indy. Diversity means more than just race, but CHS is about 70% white – C’s class is closer to 60% – while BCHS is 80% white. I would guess CHS has both more super affluent families and more families who rely on need-based scholarships to be able to attend. CHS plays in class 4A for all sports expect football, where they are currently in 6A. BCHS is a 3A school, although their football team is moving up to 4A next year. CHS has won the most games in the history of Indiana high school football; BCHS has won the most football state championships.)

The JV game was a big deal, L’s first time playing against her best buddy from middle school, K,[1] since second grade. Beginning in third grade they played together on three Chatard teams, five St P’s teams, one Cathedral team, and two years of travel ball. The girls and families had been looking forward to this game since the schedule came out.

L again played really well. In three quarters she tallied 10 points on 5–9 shooting, four rebounds, two assists, two steals, and four turnovers. Late in the third period she stole an inbounds pass and flipped it to her teammate, who missed a shot but got her own rebound. And missed again. And got another rebound. And clanked a third shot. Then a third CHS player grabbed that rebound and missed. Four girls went after the ball and it kicked out to L who was standing on the 3-point line. She tossed up a long two to give the Irish a seven-point lead going into the fourth quarter.

She had played every minute of the game to this point and began the final period on the bench. When the BCHS pressure started getting to our guards, I expected her to check back in. But she sat. The lead got down to three and we called a timeout. “Surely she’ll check in now,” I thought. Nope. When the players returned to the court she remained on the bench. People around us asked me why she wasn’t playing. Chatard parents on the other side of the gym were texting me asking why she wasn’t playing. She wasn’t hurt. I doubted she had smarted off to her coach. My only guess was the coach wanted to give the other girls a chance to play without L since she has been getting more varsity minutes.

Anyway, we managed to blow the entire lead before some late free throws earned us a two-point win. L led the girls off the bench in jumping on their teammate who hit two big free throws to seal the win.

After the game I hung out with K’s parents while we waited for the girls to come out of their locker rooms. One of L and K’s travel teammates also came to watch. Her dad’s – who was an assistant coach on the travel team – first question, “Why wasn’t L in the game?”

When L finally emerged I told her great game, then hit her with, “Why did you sit the entire fourth quarter.”

“This is so dumb,” she responded, “tonight’s minutes count against tomorrow’s game!”

She told me a week ago that since the JV and varsity games were on different nights, she would be fully eligible for each game. Apparently that’s not the case. We noticed a few boys sat the entire fourth quarter of their game, likely for the same reason.

She was right, that’s a dumb rule. And it nearly cost us the game.

In addition to playing against K, all of L’s cousins who were in town came to the game. She had a cheering section of about 20 people, complete with signs made by the little ones. That was nice, and I think she appreciated it, but you will not be surprised that I slid a few feet away from our main family group so I could monitor the game in relative peace.

So pretty good game. L scored 10 of our 34 points before she sat down, which seems like a good ratio. She has now scored 40 points over her last 11 JV quarters.

K and her teammates will likely get another crack at the Irish next week in the City tournament. L better be ready for them to come at her even harder. The JV and varsity tournaments are played in synch, so assuming all four teams make it to the finals next Friday, L may find herself sitting again in key moments of the JV championship game if the coaches think she’ll be needed in the varsity game. Or maybe playing rules are different in tournaments. I guess we’ll find out.

Saturday night we went to BCHS for the varsity games. It was a terrific environment. Their gym is much smaller and it was completely packed. By the time the boys game began there were people jammed into aisles, standing along the walls, and more who were lingering in the hallway outside the gym.

The girls played first. CHS was missing a starter, weathered foul trouble, and survived a big Chatard run to grab a six-point win. It was a tense, back-and-forth game in the second half. There is a little bit of tension between the coaching staffs that added some extra drama to the night.

L got to play in the CHS road green uniforms for the first time. She logged a little over two minutes in the first quarter, then a decent chunk of the third quarter as we navigated our center’s foul issues. She didn’t do much. One steal, three turnovers. She seemed a little keyed up, but as this was the biggest crowd she’s ever played in front of I understood. A BCHS senior who went to St P’s bullied her on a drive and drew a foul. I told her after the game that was the difference between being a freshman and a senior, both in terms of strength and hoops IQ.

It was fun both nights to get messages from BCHS and St P’s friends congratulating us on L playing well Friday and logging decent varsity minutes on Saturday.

JV is now 5–9, varsity 6–8.

The CHS boys won both their games easily. The varsity, undefeated and ranked #4, was probably the biggest reason the gym was so packed. They have a 6’8” junior who already has Power 5 offers, a sophomore who should be getting offers soon, and some terrific athletes around those two. They play super fast, can shoot, and are good on both ends. They are very fun to watch. The JV is anchored by three excellent freshmen guards and play with a reckless abandon that generally overwhelms their opponents, but also leads to a lot of sloppy-ass play.

Thursday we are off to Louisville for games against an all-girls Catholic school. I don’t know anything about them other than they are ranked #32 in the state on MaxPreps. CHS is #95 on MaxPreps, but come in 20 spots higher in the Sagarin ratings. You can’t do a damn thing with those numbers but I took the time to look them up so I’m sharing them.

  1. Not her real initial. She is also an LB, so for our purposes I’m using her mom’s first initial.  ↩

Holiday Wrap Up

I dropped our Denver relatives off at the airport early this morning and returned to a quieter and emptier house than we’ve had in about ten days. The decorations are still up and the college kid is still with us, but the holiday season has ended.

We had a busy and mostly fun week-plus of holiday celebrations. S’s brother from Boston and his family were in town for about a week over Christmas, staying with another sister. The Denver folks came in for four days over New Year’s and bunked-up at our house. Over the holiday week we had a Christmas Eve gathering at another local’s house, Christmas Day brunch and dessert at our house, New Year’s Eve at our house, and New Year’s day bowling followed by a lunch at a local’s. Also sprinkled in there was a sleepover at our house by the Boston cousins and then an adult lunch at the new Restoration Hardware in the massive DeHaan Estate.

Other than a few small cousin meltdowns and S spilling red wine on M’s white jeans – which miraculously came out with no trace! – we survived without too much nonsense.

The girls all had good Christmases. They mostly got boring, teenage stuff like clothes, makeup, and shoes. M did get a mini-Keurig for her dorm room, which is kind of fun. Both M and C spent New Year’s Eve with friends. L had the boyfriend over a couple times, plus we went to watch him play basketball Thursday (then watched him play again before L’s game Friday. More on hoops tomorrow.).

We had a few days of really nice weather. After we had done all our meal prep for the next morning, S and I took a long walk Christmas Eve afternoon as it was in the mid–50s and sunny. The neighborhood streets were packed with like-minded folks, all in good cheer for the big day ahead. It was pushing 60 Christmas Day until clouds and rain moved in during the afternoon. The last few days have been unceasingly dreary and much colder. There is snow in the forecast a couple times over the next week, although at this point it doesn’t look like anything major. As always in Indiana, winter is inevitable.

M will go back to Cincinnati on Saturday, weather permitting. C and L start J-term next Tuesday. We don’t have big plans while they are all still here other than a trip to Louisville Thursday for basketball.

That’s kind of a broad, generic summary of how the past ten days passed. It was almost all good, which is the most important part. I hope all of you had happy holiday celebrations and are starting 2024 healthy and at least theoretically rested and recharged.

December Media

Holiday Stuff

Most of the usuals are in here. One thing missing, though, was The Office Christmas episodes. This is the first time in a few years we haven’t subscribed to the streaming service that allows you to watch the episodes of your choice. Maybe they’ll be back somewhere real (i.e. not Peacock) next year. Or I’ll just record them all off Comedy Central over the course of 2024 and save them for next holiday season.

Elf, A
Christmas Vacation, A
A Christmas Story, A
A Christmas Story Christmas, B
Die Hard, A
Home Alone, B-
SNL Christmas Skits – Once I again I picked-and-chose my favs from YouTube rather than rely on the stale NBC special. A
Seinfeld, “The Strike,” A

Bojack Horseman: Sabrina’s Christmas Wish
I only watched a couple early seasons of Bojack so had never seen this. Fit what I knew of the show perfectly: in some ways very funny, in others just didn’t fit my flavor of humor. B

Pee-wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special
A newly restored version of this 1988 special hit the YouTubes this holiday season. This was the first time I had seen it, which is probably the best way to see it, as it is outrageous and full of surprises. Hopefully it remains available online for future screenings. A

Holiday Baking Championship
A key part of our Decembers every year. I ruined the end, though. As we were watching the finale I looked up how long they actually take to film the show – the entire competition takes place over roughly ten days – and while doing so found multiple articles that prominently mentioned the winner. Oh well, still worth our time.


Movies, Shows, etc

Wind River
I started watching this a year or so ago, maybe on a flight somewhere, and the Netflix app glitched and would only play the opening minutes. It got the red, Netflix, Leaving Soon tag in early December so I decided to finally knock it out. A pretty good, emotionally tense thriller about the exploitation of Native American women.


Fargo, season five
When I started this, I didn’t realize Hulu is going old-school and releasing it one episode per week. I likely would have waited a month to start it had I known that. Through seven episodes, it’s pretty good. We’ll see where it ends up.


The Killer
This was weird. It had all the stylish trappings that David Fincher movies often have. But when we reached the conclusion, I wondered what the point had been. I mean, I figured it would be about a psychopath based on the title. But this guy was especially psychopathic. That poor cab driver… I later listened to a podcast that discussed the movie and suggested if you are really into Fincher the movie might make more sense. And multiple viewings seem to help. One was enough for me.


Casino Royale
Last Christmas night I believe we watched Glass Onion as a family. This year L had her boyfriend over and they were watching Community together. M and C were doing their own things in their rooms. S had reflux and went to bed early. I decided to keep it Daniel Craig with this modern classic.


Pearl Jam, Live From Safeco Field 8/8/2018
This was free on Amazon for the week between Christmas and New Years. Like so many of their shows, it was fantastic. Still bummed Covid wiped out their Indy show in September. Maybe I’ll see them in 2024?


Shorts, YouTubes, etc

John Krasinski & Rainn Wilson making each other break for 8 minutes 21 seconds
Steve Carell’s Best Bloopers from The Office
Seinfeld Bloopers Season 3
Classic sitcom fun.

Turning a 9kg pumpkin into a 100km adventure
I planted a forest two years ago
Is this the worst filmmaking I’ve ever done?
A triple shot of Beau Miles bullshit.

The Insane Engineering of the Space Shuttle
This got too technical for me but since I’ll watch about anything related to space travel I stuck with it.


The Rewatchables: Christmas Vacation
The Trap Draw: Home Alone
A couple pods about classic Christmas movies. I need to go on one of these because it drives me crazy when the hosts/guests get little details wrong. Which would probably make me a terrible guest. Also hated that one guest on The Trap Draw – who to be fair was born in 1995 – didn’t know that John Hughes wrote other movies until she did some research for this pod. 🤦‍♂️ How old does that make me?

Music Stats

You may have noticed I stopped posting my monthly listening stats a year ago. Or maybe you didn’t. I’m not sure why, I just decided it wasn’t necessary. I will not be skipping the annual updates, however. Here’s a look at what says I listened to most in 2023, and since I began logging my music with them in 2005


  • Pearl Jam – 236
  • The National – 201
  • Ratboy – 186
  • The War on Drugs – 166
  • Bully – 148
  • boygenius – 126
  • Frightened Rabbit – 125
  • Middle Kids – 124
  • The Gaslight Anthem – 124
  • The Rural Alberta Advantage – 110

All Time

Frightened Rabbit finally knocked out of the top spot.

  • Pearl Jam – 3877
  • Frightened Rabbit – 3803
  • The War on Drugs – 3380
  • The Beatles – 2601
  • Ryan Adams – 2339
  • The Clash – 1976
  • Crowded House – 1669
  • Radiohead – 1664
  • Bruce Springsteen – 1487
  • The White Stripes – 1310

Complete stats available at my page.

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