Randomly, this week is all men, or male-led groups.

“Wreckage” – Pearl Jam
It’s finally Pearl Jam day! The most excited I’ve been about a new PJ album since 2006? 2000? 1998? The early reviews for Dark Matter are mostly great. The first two singles were very good. Then they dropped this on Wednesday. In recent years I’ve flat out hated their Old Man Rocker Ballads that have taken up more and more space on their albums. This song, though? Tremendous! The last minute is one of the most glorious things PJ has ever done. A perfect song when you consider their age and how they’ve stumbled on the deep, sensitive ballads in recent years. Looking forward to listening to the album as many times as possible on my ride to Cincinnati and back today.

“99th Dream” – Swervedriver
Let’s keep it on the Nineties Bands Who Are Still Around station for one more song.

“Imouhar” – Mdoa Moctar
More first-class Saharan rock.

“Wish Me Away” – GIFT
I like the twitchy, postpunk/dance pop sound these kids are laying down.

“Lady Luck” – The Howlers
Surprised these lads are from London. This song sounds like shined-up, modernized 1990s Manchester.

“Vomit Candy” – Johnny Mafia
Either a great song title, or a terrible one, depending on your perspective. This band is French, which probably explains their choice and the public’s reaction to it.

“It’s My Life” – Talk Talk
One of the truly great songs of the Eighties that remains great today. I will rarely skip/turn away when it comes onto my music devices. Beginning a six-week run in the Top 40 this week in 1984, it never got higher than #31. America wasn’t ready. Maybe it was the video.