I probably should have shared these first three links last week, when we were all still gripped by Olympic fever.

Ranking Every Summer Olympic Sport Based on How Terrible It Would Be for the Average Person

The Winners and Losers of the 2024 Paris Olympics

Merci, Paris: We needed these Olympics

As I continue my re-watch of The Americans, I was horrified by an ad shown within a season three episode, which took place in 1983, for Love’s Baby Soft. It was borderline child porn. I did some digging and they had a problematic ad campaign for a long time. Those ads are long gone, but the product line is still around. That ad is included in this piece.

Girl Powder: A Cultural History Of Love’s Baby Soft

While I remember watching The Gods Must Be Crazy over-and-over again when I first discovered it, sometime in 1986 or 1987 on cable, I don’t remember much about the actual movie. I recall some slapstick comedy, odd acting performances, and even some moments where the film was sped up to make it seem funnier. Not much else.

Thinking about it now, my first reaction is similar to that of the friend of the author in this pull quote.

When I told a friend I was revisiting The Gods Must Be Crazy 40 years later, he said, “Oh, I remember that movie! It must be totally racist.” It really is. It’s also a fascinating artifact, and one that spread myths that persist even today.

This article is a look at how the movie came to be and the impact it had in both the US and South Africa.

The Strange Saga of The Gods Must Be Crazy

Crazy that an animal that is endangered in its natural habitat can get out of control when let loose in the wild somewhere else.

Pablo Escobar’s Abandoned Hippos Are Wreaking Havoc in the Colombian Jungle

Brother, I know how you feel…

News Happening Faster Than Man Can Generate Uninformed Opinions