I had a couple longer posts in various states of readiness that I hoped to select from to post today. But, man, these early mornings getting up to take L to basketball wipe me out. More about that in another post. Instead of posting something longer, I’ll just share some links for now.

A great story about a group in Oakland that is making sure that professional baseball survives there after the A’s leave.

Growing up as an Oakland sports fan, I thought of the A’s more as a kind of church or nation-state than as a product. My relation to them was tribal far more than transactional. Then I was forsaken. And I was tired of feeling like there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

How to Start a Professional Sports Team, Win Games, and Save the Town

I love writing like this. A deep, investigative piece that is told with terrific humor.

A conservative estimate holds that there are 240 billion pennies lying around the United States — about 724 ($7.24) for every man, woman and child there residing, and enough to hand two pennies to every bewildered human born since the dawn of man…As far as anyone knows, the American cent is the most produced coin in the history of civilization, its portrait of Lincoln the most reproduced piece of art on Earth.

America Must Free Itself from the Tyranny of the Penny

Hey, it’s another big, pop culture list to argue about! I can say with confidence that I’ve seen just 34 of these, although I would imagine there are a few others from older shows that I saw at some point but don’t remember. Unlike a movie list this is harder to go back and fill in the holes since you really need to context of everything that came before the selected episodes to appreciate them. “Theo’s Holiday” should be waaaaay higher.

The 100 Best TV Episodes of All Time

I’m mostly past dealing with school parking lot nonsense, although I have had to pick L up a couple times already and brave with the CHS hill after school. It is always good advice that, when in doubt, just CIRCLE THE BLOCK.

New School Year Drop-Off and Pick-Up Rules