In case you haven’t noticed, I’m dialing back the blogging a bit to close the year. I’ve been working on my Favorite Songs list. I’m hoping to squeeze out one more RFTS post before the year is over. And general end-of-the-year busyness is keeping me from sitting down at the keyboard too much.

That said, I had an encounter today I thought was interesting and worthy of a quick post.

I have all kinds of stories from the gym. There are a lot of older people at the one I frequent, so there is some interesting behavior from them, especially the old dudes. There’s a story I will not share that is one of the more disgusting things I’ve ever encountered in public. Trust me, you don’t want to know.

In the men’s locker room there is a little lounge area with a couple couches and a TV. I hear and see all kinds of interesting shit here on the days I wear layers and have to use a locker to store them while working out.

Today a couple old guys – well into their 70s I guess – were talking about investments. One guy, loud and a little obnoxious, was telling his buddy about the guy he uses to manage his money.

“He learned from Michael Milken, if you know who that is.”
“Yeah, that name sounds familiar but I can’t remember why I know it.”
“He basically invented high-risk/high-yield investing,” Loud Guy said before pausing for a long moment. “He did get a little carried away, though. In fact he went to prison for a little while because of it.”

OH SURE, I’m going to give ALL my money to a guy who apparently learned at the foot of a man who went to prison for securities fraud and insider trading.