Weird week around here. So weird I’m putting this together Thursday afternoon as I have some plans Friday morning.
“Fur Mink Augurs” – Bob Mould
Bob’s new album came out last Friday. It is exactly what you would expect from a Bob Mould album. This is probably the best song on it. Sounds like a good song to end a set or show with. I’ll find out in two months.
“Dreaming” – Witch Post
WP is a duo of a Scotsman and an LA girl. Odd combo, but it works.
“It’s Amazing To Be Young” – Fontaines D.C.
FDC continue their stylistic change. This song was inspired by the birth of guitarist Carlos O’Connell’s child. Carlos O’Connell is a wild name!
“Garden” – Maria Somerville
Well this song is just freaking gorgeous.
“The Lights Won’t Shine Forever” – Floodlights
Take The Airborne Toxic Event and combine them with Midnight Oil and you might get this band.
“It’s Not Easy” – Ofege
I watched Showtime’s The Agency this past week. This song was featured in an early episode, and apparently has been used on many shows over the years. The reason for its popularity is apparent immediately, as it slowly ambles out of the speakers and takes over your life for a little over four minutes. That it was recorded in 1973 by a group of Lagos kids all aged between 15-17 makes it even more amazing.
“Whatever You Want” – Tony! Toni! Tone!
D’Wayne Wiggins, one of the founders of 3T, died last week. His brother Raphael Saadiq sang lead on most of their songs, but this is one where Wiggins was up front. I’ve always loved the “Just as sure as my name is D’Wayne (D’Wayne)” line in this jam. Ironically Saadiq sings that line.
“Sulk” – Radiohead
Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the release of Radiohead’s second album, The Bends. I don’t think I listened to it in full until later that summer when one of my roommates bought it. I heard it blasting from his room and asked who the hell he was listening to. I didn’t believe him when he said Radiohead, as it sounded light years beyond “Creep.” I got into it quickly, though. Today The Bends is one of my very favorite albums ever. We need more albums like it that rock with abandon. I could picked any one of seven or eight tracks to honor the anniversary, but I think this is my favorite of those.
“Welcome To The Terrordome” – Public Enemy
Whoa! Holy remix!