It was a strange day for us, so I didn’t have time to get a pre-Thanksgiving message out for most to see. Our power went off for two hours this morning, so M. and I sat around watching the snow fall until S. got home, then we headed out to get breakfast. When we got home, the cold I’ve been fighting grabbed hold of me and I took a nice three hour nap. If I’ve not mentioned it before, our couch in the basement is the best napping couch ever. You can not be tired at all and all of a sudden you’re opening your eyes after a 90 minute slumber. While I was still trying to shake the cobwebs and determine if my cold was getting better or worse, I got a call about a family emergency that threw a wrench in the day. I won’t go into details here, but all is well for the time being but we’re very concerned about someone very close to us and are working to help them through a difficult time. Tonight, well this afternoon, we had our own mini-Thanksgiving dinner. We cooked a ten pound turkey breast, made some excellent “smashed” potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and rolls. We didn’t stuff ourselves, had more of a normal sized dinner, and then packed away the rest (I think we cooked for about 20 people for some reason) for leftovers for the coming week. Tomorrow we head over to my in-law’s for proper Thanksgiving dinner.
By now most of my loyal readers have signed off until Monday, but I’ll still be thinking good thoughts for you all so your travels over the next few days are safe, your gatherings are filled with love and joy, and your bellies are full. I’m thankful for each one of you being a part of my life. Enjoy the holiday!

Oh yeah, beat those ‘Clones, Jayhawks! Get a cheesy bowl game for us to be mildly proud of.