We took M. to the picture place to get some two-year-old pics taken today. The photographer’s comment after we apologized for M.’s uncooperativeness, “She’s a two-year-old.” M. could not have been less interested or less friendly. Of course, as soon as we were done and went to select what pics to print, she found some boy her age and played with him at the Lego table. At one point, I heard her telling him all about her whole family, “Mommy, daddy, C…”
From the highly recommended music file: the new Mountain Goats album, Get Lonely. It’s a big, big downer in terms of subject matter, but then again so was their last album (A break-up this time vs. an abusive step-father who eventually kills himself on the last one). Loads of lovely, mellow tunes, though. <a href=”http://ken-jennings.com/blog/?p=128″>Ken Jennings</a> is a big fan.
On the more uplifting side of music, check out <a href=”http://derekjohnson.blogspot.com/2006/08/john-hughes-soundtrack-retrospective.html”>this retrospective</a> of the music from John Hughes movies.
The Pacers finally landed Al Harrington this week. I’m putting together my thoughts on the coming year, which I’ve been sitting on for only six weeks or so, waiting for them to figure out if they were going to get Al or not. I’m not terribly impressed with the overhaul of the roster, but we’ll see what I end up with when I think about it more.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday. Am I the only one who thinks I start sounding like George Costanza when I try to explain a pain or ailment to a physician? “It’s the darndest thing, doctor…”
Happy weekends to all.