I forget if I’ve mentioned it, but tonight we head to Denver for a wedding and then a couple days in the mountains. It will be C.’s first trip on a plane, which of course presents all kinds of interesting scenarios. Fortunately, we’ll have two aunts and an honorary aunt sitting in the same aisle as us, so we’ll have five adults to handle two kids. And we’re flying on Frontier, which has the sweet TV screens in the seat backs.

This morning, the girls got to go to work with their mom. S. was doing a presentation for the residents on the developmental stages of kids. So various nurses and physicians brought in their kids, a ton of toys, and we forced the little ones to demonstrate what they can do at each age. C. got to stack blocks and color. M. got to stand on one foot, stack blocks while counting them, copy what S. drew, and pedal a tricycle. And C. decided to eat about 20 things from the breakfast items that had been laid out for the attendees. I’m not sure where that puts her on the developmental scale.

We will return Tuesday, hopefully with our wits about us and pictures and stories to share.