I’m working on some new content, don’t worry. Last week was a busy one in and around the house. I power washed and then re-stained/sealed the deck. Worked in the yard. We reorganized the garage, including adding some new storage devices. Had some car repairs taken care of. And did some reorganization inside as well.

This week, it’s me and the girls. So hopefully the five or six drafts I started last week will be completed.

To get you started though, this gem from the 3.5 year old. She’s reached the point in her life where her crotch is interesting to her. Or, I should say “crouch,” which is what she calls it. Nothing too disturbing yet, mostly just keeping her hand in the vicinity a little more than you would like. As my wife has counseled friends over-and-over again, it’s normal and, as we all know, it can feel kind of good. So we try to keep her activities confined to the house and keep her hands outside her pants.

This morning we were sitting on the couch together. I was checking e-mail and whatnot and she was watching the Wiggles. I looked over and she had a toy that is shaped like a bee down in the region. She caught my eye and said, “Dad, the bee is getting some nectar,” and smiled at me. I didn’t know whether to instruct her to remove the bee from her “crouch,” to laugh, or to explain that bees get nectar from flowers outside, not from little girls’ “crouches.” I think I choked out something like, “Please don’t put that there,” then got back to my e-mail before I busted out laughing. At least she didn’t do it at the mall (jinx)!