Our long holiday week went pretty well.

We had visitors from Denver, including the girls’ two cousins that they loved seeing. The cousins are three years and 15 months, and our girls think they’re the best things ever. M., C., and L. could not have been happier than they were playing with them, helping the little one up and down the stairs, and trying to teach them all the things they need to know that the B. girls have already figured out.

For the weekend, we took everyone down to our local vacation spot. Folks came and went all weekend, but we had as many as 14 spend the night one evening, and a few more than that for dinner a couple nights. The weather didn’t exactly cooperate – it was 25 degrees cooler than a year ago and we dodged rain all weekend – but we still had a good time. The kids jumped in the water for hours at a time, we took kayak and peddle boat rides, there were heated games of cornhole, and we had campfires each night.

My man Erick R. from KC joined us Friday on his way to Louisville. His arrival brought out the sun for the only extended period of the weekend, and we got about three solid hours of water time before dinner.

There were lots of tasty treats – both as main dishes and desserts – and the dads/uncles put away a lot of locally brewed craft beers.

Naturally, as everyone was clearing out on Sunday, the rain clouds and fog moved east and by the time we got home, the sun was shining brightly and it looks like we’re set to finally have an extended stretch of hot weather.

So it wasn’t a perfect weekend, thanks to Mother Nature, but it was pretty alright. Hopefully your holiday weekend was fun and safe as well.

I’ll get caught up on Brad Stevens, the Pacers’ moves, Wimbledon, and the Royals in the next day or so.