Our contractor put the last touches on our guest bathroom renovation project last night. After eight weeks, we finally kicked the girls down the hall and have a bathroom to ourselves. Two toothbrushes! A clear countertop! No piles of ponytail holders scattered all over the place! Now if we can just keep them from ruining the new bathroom…

We had hoped to be done several weeks back. But we had a big snafu with one custom-ordered piece that set us back three weeks. And our contractor just has one plumber, one drywall guy, etc. and each of them added in a few extra days as they worked our project into their schedules.

But the good news is we’re done, right on budget, and it looks fantastic.

Bigger for me is that now fall can finally begin. I’ve had to hang around the house during this whole process to let folks in, hand out checks, approve materials,[1] etc. It’s been tough to get into a routine while I stick around and wait for a plumber to show up, not knowing if he’ll be here at 11 on Monday morning, or 4 on Tuesday afternoon.

I’m looking forward to finally getting out with the camera again, something I’ve not been able to do much since the school year began.

I actually started running again a couple weeks back, as I realized all my time on the bike and elliptical might be saving my joints from pounding, but were also killing my hips in the process. I’m sticking to the cross country course nearby, but no issues so far.

I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but today is cool and rainy, the first day we’ve had like this all season. The forecast shows a few more warmer-than-normal days, but then beginning to feel a lot more fall-like next week. Part of me is still in mid-August, but I think I’m going to get pulled into fall pretty quick.

We’ve not been down to the lake since Labor Day weekend, which has been a damn shame given how many hot weekends we’ve had since then. But we’re headed down in a week to grab the boat and haul it back for the winter. Always a bittersweet day. Especially when we’ve only used it twice in the past two months!

  1. Who am I kidding? I would text S and she would make the approvals.  ↩