“Breath In, Breath Out” – Melody’s Echo Chamber. Such good news that Melody Prochet is returning this summer after suffering serious injuries in an accident last year. Her new album was all recorded and set for release before her accident but was delayed pending her recovery. Glad that she is back.

“AZ” – Now, Now. Mother Nature keeps pushing spring back. It might, MIGHT, be up in the 80s here next week. I wish it would hurry up and warm up, because we’re wasting good songs like this on these cool days when you can’t drop the windows and drive around with them blasted.

“Wild Light” – Peter Matthew Bauer. Bauer is an artist who I generally like, but I also seem to miss his new releases and only discover them a few months later. His latest album, led by this single, came out last November but I just came across it recently. This is a fine, Kurt Vile-like tune.

“No Soul Will Remember” – MOLLY. Here’s some shoegazy, dream pop from Austria of all places.

“Dreams” – Japanese Breakfast covering The Cranberries. A pretty solid take on a classic, recorded in a Spotify Studio session.

“Pynk” – Janelle Monáe. As always with Ms. Monáe, VIDEO IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

Yeah, I know this was in last week’s playlist. But her album, Dirty Computer, came out today and it’s most excellent. And this just might be the best song of the year, so far. Even bigger, Janelle dropped the quote of the year in her interview with Rolling Stone, in which she came out as “pan-sexual.” She labeled herself as “a free-ass motherfucker.” I want that on my tombstone.