“Don’t Go Puttin Wishes in My Head” – TORRES
Mackenzie Scott has been making critically acclaimed, ground-breaking music for going on a decade now. This might be my favorite thing she’s ever done.

“Heavy Glow” – The Glow
I always think it’s kind of cool when bands have song titles that include their name. Like it’s some kind of cheesy wink to the audience. Anyway, this song is a heavier take on traditional dream pop, and I like it.

“Light Year” – Adam Melchor featuring Lennon Stella
A nice palate cleanser, and a perfect song for the hot, muggy spell we suddenly find ourselves in.

“Mollyduker” – Good Morning
I was reading up on this Australian duo and found that they have been influenced by Jeff Tweedy. You 100% hear that in this track. Not Tweedy’s solo stuff, but more his early ’00s, experimental Wilco music.

“Transmission” – Joy Division
At least once a year I have to punish my eardrums and listen to this at maximum volume. “DANCE, DANCE, DANCE, DANCE, DANCE TO THE RADIO!”

“Brothers in Arms” – Dire Straits
I watched a movie last weekend that included a few seconds of this. Which made me go back and watch the scene from Miami Vice when it was used. Which made me listen to the entire song a few times. Such a terrific piece of music. This is the edited down version. I suggest listening to the entire album cut.