Month: October 2006

Halloween 2006

Pics uploading to Flicker as I type this up. M. was a pink octopus. She LOVED her costume. C. wasn’t quite as enthusiastic as M., but she was a fluffy chicken. M. went to six houses and got a pretty decent bag of candy. We immediately dumped almost all of it into our bowl for passing out to kids. She got to keep a lollipop and all the M&M’s she got. She struggled with the concept of trick or treat. She marched up to doors, opened her bag, but then started commenting on any pumpkins that might be in view, or any decorations she saw in the house that she admired. Some friends who have twins have a pic of the twins near the front door. Instead of “trick or treat,” M. pointed and said, “Two kids!” Of course, as soon as we left a house, she started saying “trick or treat” over and over while we walked to the next house.

Not sure if this will upload correctly, or play, but I wanted to share because it makes me laugh. My sister-in-law was taking pics for us, and accidentally switched our camera to the video mode for a second. Since she thought she was shooting pics, it’s turned 45 degrees from horizontal, but I think it captures what a two-year-old thinks about Halloween. In case it doesn’t play, M. says, “Oooh! I got treats!” as she examines what she brought home.

Edit: Typepad sucks. It won’t upload the file. Another argument against paying for a blogging service. Here’s a different method. Hope it works.


Does anyone know how to get the theme from Dora the Explorer out of an adult’s head? Disclaimer: we watch at least three episodes a day in this house, so I’m looking for a way to remove it then block my mind from registering it the next time I hear it. Help is appreciated.

Front Page, Bitches! (Plus NLCS)

My M-W class isn’t meeting for a couple weeks, so Tuesday night was my first time on campus since last week’s paper came out. There, front page, above the fold, was one of my stories. As always, I must admit the competition for space isn’t fierce here, but it’s still kind of fun to see your story right up front. And judging by the huge stack of papers left, six days after they were first set out, literally tens of people probably read it. I’m sure Hemingway started small as well. Apparently there is no on-line edition this year, so I can’t share.

I’m working on two stories this week. One is a big profile piece that is for class, although I’ll submit it to the paper as well and see if they can use it. I’ve already done three interviews with the subject, and have one more remaining, plus some chats with people who know her well. This is fun because I really like the profile form, and it’s one of the types of writing I would most want to do professionally. But I’m having a bit of a panic attack on how to condense all this information down into 1200 words or so. How do I tell her story in a coherent manner, with good quotes and illustrations, and write well along the way? I’ve got until Monday at noon to figure it out, I guess.

My other story for the week is about Indy being awarded the Olympic diving trials in 2008. I’ll be talking to some people who run the natatorium on campus tomorrow, and maybe some people from the diving organization if they get back to me.

How much was Fox praying for a game six at Shea so they could rehash 1986? That said, I’ll admit I’m a little surprised there hasn’t been even more discussion of that great series and game six. I’d really like to know what happened to that lady who sat behind home plate and turned her arms over each other, like a referee calling traveling, over and over during every game at Shea. She was annoying, but strangely, I miss her.

I’m kind of amazed the Cardinals are still in this. For a team that limped into the playoffs, they’ve played remarkably well. If they can somehow sneak into the World Series, it will be a great accomplishment. Sadly, for the second time in three years, they’ll run into a team of destiny when they get there. 2004 was the year the Cards should have won it, but they kicked the ball around Fenway in game one, lost the momentum, fueled the Red Sox rocket that was ready for its third stage, and got swept away. But that was the year the Cards had the pitching, the complete line-up, and the bullpen. It’s been a slow decay since then. Seriously, is Scott Rolen kind of like the picture in Back to the Future that slowly fades? Is he disappearing before our eyes?


We went to the mall yesterday, and I noticed a display in the Victoria’s Secret window for a bra with “adjustable cleavage.” My first question, of course, was can I get a demonstration from an official VS spokesmodel? Since I was with my wife and two daughters, obviously I couldn’t ask out loud for that kind of thing. But it did get me thinking, and I’ve decided this could be the greatest invention ever. But, it also prompts some other questions.

First, how is the adjustment made? Is the bra like an old Reebok Pump, and the wearer needs to work a tiny pump with her thumb a few times to get the desired effect? Or, is it something simple like a zipper or velcro? Maybe a small crank. A motorized device triggered by a sliding switch? Or just a manual process that involves the wearer slipping some extra padding in?

Then, how are the settings labeled? Here are some ideas:
9-5 and Happy Hour (Get Noticed!™ Mode)
Business and Romance (Be a Knockout!™ Mode)
First Date and Third Date (Make Tonight The Night!™ Mode)
Everyday and Interview/Review (Get A Raise!™ Mode)
Meeting the parents and Meeting your ex and his new girlfriend (Make Him Jealous!™ mode)
Home maintenance being performed by contractors and Getting an estimate for said project (Get A Discount!™ Mode)

(First mode is obviously regular cleavage, second is enhanced cleavage.)

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