It’s opening day, excuse me, Opening Day. I’m preparing for a ten hour orgy of baseball with a little college hoops thrown in for good measure. S. is working tonight, so I’ve already instructed the girls that there will be no nonsense tonight as daddy gets his baseball on. I’ve already got ESPN on, and checked in on a few games on MLB Audio. The Internets are a beautiful thing.
I think the Royals are going to surprise a lot of people this year. They’re a lock to win at least 67 games this year. You heard it here first.
Our “local” team, the Reds – determined by what games we get – surprised last year, staying in the NL Central race until the final week. As a reward for their good play, we get something like 30 more games this year than last year in Indy. Unfortunately, the Indy TV market will not be rewarded, as the Reds struggle to get past 75 wins. The Josh Hamilton signing will prove to be a brilliant gamble, though.
Playoff teams in the AL will be the Red Sox, Yankees, Twins, and Angels. NL will be Mets, Phillies, Cards, and Dodgers. The Red Sox will beat the Dodgers in the World Series. Again, you heard it here first.