Day: August 13, 2021

Friday Links

Time to share some more things I’ve been reading on screens of various sizes.

The Vaccine Cards Are the Wrong Size

In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal, as author Amanda Mull admits. But it sure is annoying. And signs of a bigger issue.

The inconvenient paper vestige that vaccinated Americans now carry of that experience is an exasperating reminder not of the shots themselves, but of all the other missed opportunities our government has had to ease the pandemic’s many predictable problems.

Those Were the Days of Our Lives

A hilarious and lovely book excerpt about the glories of being allowed to roam free during the summer as a kid of the ‘70s and ‘80s.

My internal clock was never keener. Without arranging to meet, all the kids in a two-mile radius managed to wander out to the yards and streets of our neighborhoods around the same time each morning like Raisin Bran–fueled zombies. Sometimes you would hear a kid outside playing before anyone else, and that would be the clarion call to the rest of us to hustle. A cacophony of banging screen doors signaled our mass exodus. We were wild. We were free.

His Name Was Emmett Till

Wright Thompson is such a great storyteller. That said, sometimes I find his work to be a little, well, much I guess. But this piece is damn close to perfect.

Indiana attorney general investigating whether Valpo institute is front for Communist Party

Glad that Indiana elected officials are getting in on the contest to see who can say the dumbest thing.

I’m Highly Skeptical That You Can Find More Than 16 Out Of 50 States On The Map

50 for 50, bitches.

Friday Playlist

“Surrender” – Gold Star
A lot of influences bubbling up in this track. I hear some Springsteen, but as if filtered through others who have used The Boss’ music as a guide over the years. There’s also a stark, story-telling feel that reminds me of some early The War on Drugs stuff. I most definitely dig.

“Day I Did Nothing” – Waves of Dread
Not what I think of when I think of music from Newcastle, but it works. I dedicate this to C. Her first day of high school was yesterday. Instead of classes today, though, they have a long orientation session that begins at 2:15 and wraps up when the 8:00 pm Mass ends. Pretty sure she’s sleeping in and doing nothing until about 1:35.

“Thirstier” – TORRES
A few weeks back I said that “Don’t Go Puttin Wishes in My Head” might be the best thing TORRES has ever done. This, the title track off her latest album, is right up there with it.

“Khala My Friend” – Amanaz
I should have made a note of the number of plays this had on Spotify last Friday at about 6:00, when I listened to it for the first time. Because I guarantee that number was a lot lower than the 11 million plus it has now. Why the surge? It was used over the closing credits of last week’s Ted Lasso episode. It was released in 1975 by the Zambian band Amanaz, and is considered a classic of the Zamrock movement, which combined elements of psychedelic rock and traditional African music. I listened to their entire Africa album, and it is wonderful. Just another tremendous thing to come out of the whole Ted Lasso experience.

“Summertime Girls” – Y&T
It’s always sad when important pieces of art deteriorate over time. Take this video, for example, which we can only view in the present day in this blurry format. A few more decades of aging and it may be lost forever.

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