I’m overdue on sharing links. To be fair, I haven’t saved very many of late.

A major bummer in the photography world, as Amazon is shutting down DP Review. Anyone who has bought a camera, lens, or other equipment in the past two decades has likely used DP as a resource. It looks like Amazon has clarified their initial plans and will keep the archives up. I just used those this week while looking at film lenses.

This piece is more about niche hobbies and how/if they can survive in the modern world. Obviously it is of interest to 50-somethings like me who are the prime forces behind those esoteric pastimes.
RIP DPReview

Snakes are endlessly fascinating to me. Although I don’t want to be anywhere near them. Some of these pictures are incredible.
Photographer Spends 10 Days Tracking Down Snakes in Namibia

I had no idea there were turf wars in LA between the many Depeche Mode cover bands. As Kevin Garnett said, anything is possible!
Just Can’t Get Enough: The Warring Depeche Mode Tribute Bands Of Los Angeles

M got admitted to three schools and less than $10K in combined scholarship offers. Slacker.
New Orleans senior shatters U.S. record with 125 college offers, $9 million in scholarships

It’s almost outdoor entertaining season. Some decent tips in here.
How to Dine Outdoors, Minus the Bugs

Finally, a moment of zen?
911 call about fight ends with Florida cop separating 2 brawling goats, sheriff says