Three lines. That’s what the sonogram showed today. For those of you who have never been lucky enough to sit in on a sonogram, those three lines indicate you’re growing a little girl. I believe we’ve officially debunked the Chinese Birth Calendar and proven that S. and I are only able to produce girls. As I said last week, what was important to me wasn’t the gender of the kid but that it and S. were progressing normally. The sonogram confirmed all of that, as well. So it was a good visit to the hospital.

The little girl was not terribly cooperative. Most of the time she was rolled into a ball, with her feet and her head in roughly the same location. She put her hands over her face at times. At others, she pressed her face into various Mom body parts as if she was trying to get away from us.

As I said in an e-mail some of you received, now comes the hard part. The wardrobe is taken care of. We understand how to take care of girl babies. But I’m wondering how the hell I’m going to come up with another name for a girl. It was hard enough with the first two. Maybe we’ll be like those parents who don’t name their kids and let them name themselves when they’re old enough (Isn’t that how Picabo Street got her name?).

Even though it’s a girl, she still might get a Mario Chalmers jersey.