Day: April 21, 2009

Unspoken Perils Of Catholic School

The preschool at our church is in a building separate from the main church built specifically to house the kids. The class for two year olds, however, is in the main church. So every Monday, when it’s C.’s turn to go to class, we drop off M., circle around to the church, and I walk her inside.

Yesterday we walked into the church and C. was her normal chipper self, jumping and cheering in anticipation of seeing her teachers and friends. Thank goodness she was distracted. We turned the corner to head to her room and parked in the sitting area next to the hallway was an open casket that was, err, occupied. I guess that’s what the hearse out front was for.

I hustled C. down the hall before she noticed and started asking questions. I was thankful she’s way too short to have been able to see inside. Then the questions would have been very interesting.

I’m assuming they don’t run into this problem at Kindercare.

R’s – Bad Announcing

I pretty much gave up on tonight’s game as soon as Fat Sid let the Indians recapture the lead in the third. As I was washing dishes, sweeping, getting laundry going, etc., I heard the Indians start to put the Royals away. Good decision.

I did hear an epically bad comment from Bob Davis, though. I’ve never been a very big Bob Davis fan, despite listening to him do KU games for 20+ years. So it’s not like I cut him any slack. But, as he and his partner (I still don’t know the other Royals radio guy’s name) were talking about the weather in Cleveland tonight, Bob said, “Would you look at that flag in right field!”

Apparently Bob has forgotten that he switched from TV to radio a couple years back.

Oh, and I’m a fan of bringing Brian Bannister up and starting him tomorrow rather than Horatio Ramirez. Kind of odd timing, but I like the idea of moving out the starter who has struggled the most. That might get Fat Sid’s attention and we can chalk up tonight to his historic poor record in Cleveland.


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