Slapping together some notes while attempting to actually stay awake past halftime of a Monday Night Football game, as the Colts are battling the Chargers. Not sure why I’m bothering. The Colts vs. San Diego has been nothing but bad news for about ten years.

My assignment last Friday was to cover RHS going to play DCHS, the team that lost the 83-78 thriller earlier this year. DCHS came in averaging 56 points and 550 yards per game. Their average gain on running plays this year was 8.5 yards. They had not scored less than 40 points through their first seven games.

So naturally RHS held them scoreless in the first half and won 41-28. It was an impressive, and surprising, performance, and made for a decent story. Although there were so many numbers to deal with – DC held to half their season average in points, lost as many turnovers as they had lost all year, gained 50 yards fewer than their average, etc. – that it was hard to squeeze it all in. But another beautiful night at a stadium.

Since we don’t live in the delivery area for my paper, I’ve only read my stories online. But we were down that way Saturday and I ducked into a gas station to pick up a copy. It was kind of fun to show the girls my name in the paper. Hell, it was cool for me to see it.

Last academic year, we made it all the way to April before any of the girls puked. This year we didn’t even make it to fall break. C. woke up sick Friday night and threw up a couple times Saturday. We learned at soccer Sunday that one of her teammates was also sick that night. At practice Monday we heard of other kids from St. P’s who have been puking. Really hoping this bug doesn’t go through the whole family like that April one did.

I’ve been fighting a cold for a few days. It’s one of those annoying colds that isn’t full-blown, but is worst at nighttime. Trying to sleep my throat gets scratchy, then I can’t breathe, and I spend a couple hours tossing and turning. So I was thoroughly wiped out Sunday night and went to bed when the Red Sox were still being no-hit. Sadly I missed the late-game fireworks. We’ll see if Big Papi’s grand slam was more Kirk Gibson 1988 or Albert Pujols 2005.

Your girls soccer update: L. scored two more goals this week, bringing her total to 12 through four games. Again, not that I’m keeping track. C. struggled with the after-effects of being sick and was not much of a factor in her game. And I missed M.’s game coaching L..

Well, I made it through the entire game. And, as expected, was rewarded with a Colts loss. I wish I knew what it was about the Chargers that makes them the Colts’ kryptonite. But man do I hate losing to them. Well, mostly losing to Philip Rivers, even if he is my fantasy QB.